Private Coaching

At Fika Coaching, we empower everyone from life long learners to CEOs, founders, and team leaders to unlock their full potential.

Are you facing challenges in your personal or professional development? Our coaching is designed for anyone. Whether you are a life long learner, a business leader, founder, CEO, or manager, our coaching aims to enhance skills in communication, relationship building, connection, leadership, boundary setting, and assertiveness. We provide practical tools for resilience, clarity, and self-mastery, fostering authentic leadership over your own life that thrives in both personal and professional realms. Join us to develop essential skills and see tangible results in a supportive and professional environment

  • 3 or 6 month option with 2 calls per month 

  • Weekly Voxer access

  • Accountability check ins

  • Recommended processes to enhance your learning outside of sessions

  • Custom Journal and additional swag to enhance your journey

  • Option to travel for a Signature Equine Experience or private retreat

Starting at $1800

The EQUUS Experience®

The EQUUS Experience® is an award-winning personal and leadership development process that changes organizations, and transforms individuals, families, leaders, and teams.

Workshops provide a one-and-done approach however, most tend to return or take up our Signature Coaching. Our Signature Equine Experience is custom designed to your challenges and goals. Journaling or other recommended processes are encouraged so clients leave with lasting insights and perspectives.


  • Through partnership with horses and masterful facilitation, The EQUUS Experience® inspires breakthrough learning in a joyful, powerful, and sustainable way.

  • The process takes place on site at our farm location in Amesbury, MA and is a stand alone two-hour and four-hour program.

*The EQUUS Experience is currently only available at our partner campus in Santa Fe, NM. Please contact for more information

Group or Private Retreats

Are you, your team or company looking for a unique way to experience life and leadership?

The power of non-verbal communication, influencing without authority, how we show up and how it impacts others, bringing intention and focus to the moment and recognizing, embracing, and leveraging strengths in an individual, as well as a team. The insights learned in these workshops or retreat sessions invigorate and empower participants and their companies.

1/2 day, full, or multi-day options available.

*Retreats are currently only available at our partner campus in Santa Fe, NM. Please contact for more information.

Energy Leadership
Index Assessment

Personality assessments like Myers-Briggs, DISC, Enneagram and others are well known and have their own advantages and applications, but the Energy Leadership Index, or ELI is relatively new.

What separates ELI from other assessments is that it takes personal conditions into account. Meaning how an individual engages a scenario when that individual is stressed or compromised is assessed as well. It’s one thing to quantify personality traits when circumstances are indifferent or calm, quite another when an individual is stressed - which is exactly when it matters. The assessment measures how involved or engaged you are in your roles and tasks on the job and at home. It measures your potential leadership ability by your level of consciousness -your awareness about who you are and what life is.

90 Minute Session | $300


  • Coaching is about future-focused guidance and personal development, helping you set and achieve goals.

    In coaching, I help you go from where you are to where you want to be both personally and professionally.

  • Therapy addresses and heals past emotional issues, focusing on mental health and emotional well-being.

    While coaching can touch on some of these things, our main focus is how to move forward from the things in your life that are holding you back from a personal and/or professional standpoint.

  • Your coach should have formal training and certifications from an accredited organization or institution.

    Your coach should clearly state their values, mission, and purpose in how they co-create relationships with their clients.

    Your coach should be transparent and upfront about what to expect during your time together.

  • Some common areas of focus in coaching include:

    Leadership, assertiveness, boundary setting, goal setting, uncovering stories and narratives that do not serve you and may be holding you back, understanding thought patterns and how they influence decision making

  • We know you are busy! At Fika Coaching we aim to accommodate. Most commonly, sessions are held twice a month while some choose one time per month. Sessions can be a duration of 30 or 60 minutes over the course of 3 to 6 months.

  • I prioritize a personalized and direct approach in my coaching services. While I don't accept insurance, I'm committed to providing value and transformative experiences in every session.

  • Yes, I offer flexible payment plans to accommodate your needs, ensuring accessibility to our coaching journey together.



Choose the service you're most interested in and fill out an inquiry form to start the process


Leah will be in touch with you within 2 business days to set up your complimentary phone consultation.

Learn More About Our Retreats

Fika Equine retreats are quickly becoming our most popular offering simply because they are so immersive. Equine Retreats are a unique opportunity for your families, friends, or organizations to come together for optimal learning and self-discovery.